Monthly Treatment Calendar

With this enhancement in CureMD application, a monthly calendar view is displayed to the user. This aims to provide the user an easier approach to view all their appointment dates.

Ability to Document Therapeutic Phlebotomy Order

With this enhancement in CureMD application, user can place a therapeutic phlebotomy order. It allows the user to record the necessary criteria for this treatment.

Enabling Group Status Update of Ordered Drugs in Pre Auth

This enhancement in CureMD application provides the users with a feature to mark the Pre-Authorization status for multiple drugs simultaneously in the Pre Auth module. This saves the trouble to select every drug separately to update its status.

Ability to Generate Daily Status Report in Oncology Dashboard

This enhancement in CureMD application incorporates the daily report to display the appointments of patients scheduled on a specific date. This displays treatment planned for a user and the administration status for it.