With this enhancement in the CureMD application, a consent prompt is displayed when a saved card without a signed consent form is selected for payment. This ensures that online payments are only being made from cards which have signed consents.

Option to Control How Location NPI is Being Populated on Electronic Claims

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, a dropdown with options to control how Location NPI is being populated on EDI Claims is displayed in Plan Settings. This ensures complete information is sent, so the EDI claims do not get rejected.

Restrict Eligibility Inquiry to Past One Year Only

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, the system restricts users from sending requests for eligibility inquiries if the DOS (Date of Service) ‘From’ is older than 364 days. This ensures eligibility inquiries are requested in a timely manner.

Ability to Make Generic Payments and View Logs

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, card-based generic payments can be made and logs for such payments can be viewed. This ensures that general purchases are being recorded in the system.