Precise Drug Dosage Specification in Chemotherapy Manager

With this enhancement in the Chemotherapy Manager, users can accurately specify drug dosages, for both NCCN and customized treatment protocols. This ensures that the appropriate and precise dosage is added to a patient’s regimen, enhancing the accuracy of treatment plans.

Advanced Clinical Trial Enrollment and Management in Chemotherapy Manager

With these enhancements in the Chemotherapy Manager, users benefit from an integrated suite of features for managing clinical trials, including detailed trial information, dynamic inclusion and exclusion criteria management, optimized treatment options, and flexible patient enrollment capabilities.

Streamlined Management and Display of Adverse Events in Chemotherapy Manager

With these enhancements in the Chemotherapy Manager, users experience improved visibility of detailed adverse event information in the Flowsheet and Dashboard sections. This ensures that users can stay informed with all necessary details at a glance.

Comprehensive Adverse Event Management and Reporting in Chemotherapy Manager

With this enhancement in the Chemotherapy Manager, users benefit from a streamlined process for managing adverse events. This includes adding, editing, and documenting detailed episodes for each adverse event helping strengthen the accuracy of patient care documentation.