
Therapy Completion Options

Therapy Completion Options

Upon completion of an on-going therapy,  the users have the option to either order a new therapy (without creating a system-generated discontinue order) or extend the cycles of the on-going therapy.
Enhancements in the Admin Form

Enhancements in the Admin Form

The Admin Form has been redesigned to ease our users in documenting an administration's information.
Contact Support for Queries and Feedback in Chemo Manager

Contact Support for Queries and Feedback in Chemo Manager

With our latest feature ‘Contact Support’, it is easier than ever to seek assistance from our service representatives.  Send us your questions, suggestions, and, messages by clicking the ‘Contact Support’ button in our “Help Center” or “Homepage”. As always, we will promptly respond to your queries.
Combining Treatment Days

Combining Treatment Days

With this enhancement, it is easier than ever to combine two treatment days on a single appointment. This enhancement will provide flexibility across the entire treatment plan.
What’s New in Chemo Manager

What's New in Chemo Manager

See all the latest updates and enhancements in our engaging ‘What’s New’ screen. This will allow you to view demo videos and release notes of all recent updates and product enhancements. Click on ‘What’s New’ button in our help center to view the screen.
Monthly Treatment Calendar

Monthly Treatment Calendar

With this enhancement in CureMD application, a monthly calendar view is displayed to the user. This aims to provide the user an easier approach to view all their appointment dates.
Ability to Document Therapeutic Phlebotomy Order 

Ability to Document Therapeutic Phlebotomy Order

With this enhancement in CureMD application, user can place a therapeutic phlebotomy order. It allows the user to record the necessary criteria for this treatment.
Enabling Group Status Update of Ordered Drugs in Pre Auth

Enabling Group Status Update of Ordered Drugs in Pre Auth

This enhancement in CureMD application provides the users with a feature to mark the Pre-Authorization status for multiple drugs simultaneously in the Pre Auth module. This saves the trouble to select every drug separately to update its status.
Ability to Generate Daily Status Report in Oncology Dashboard

Ability to Generate Daily Status Report in Oncology Dashboard

This enhancement in CureMD application incorporates the daily report to display the appointments of patients scheduled on a specific date. This displays treatment planned for a user and the administration status for it.
Display Alert on Chemo Admin Note Deletion

Display Alert on Chemo Admin Note Deletion

With the enhancement in CureMD application, user can see an alert while trying to delete a chemo admin note. It informs the user that a chemo administration record is associated with the selected provider note.