
Addition of PHQ-2 and PHQ-9 Forms for Depression Screening

Addition of PHQ-2 and PHQ-9 Forms for Depression Screening

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, users can click the Behavioral Assessment Clinical Component to fill the PHQ-2 or PHQ-9 form for the patient. This helps users screen patients for depression.
Enhancements in CCM Patient Eligibility Criteria

Enhancements in CCM Patient Eligibility Criteria

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, patients are considered eligible for CCM if the claim filing indicator of their respective insurance recorded in the patient insurance tab is either 'MB' or '16.' This helps improve the eligibility criteria of our CCM module.
Permissions for Adding Lab Order/Result Assignment Reason in Master List

Permissions for Adding Lab Order/Result Assignment Reason in Master List

With this enhancement, certain users can be permitted to add or retain lab order/result reasons in the master list. This ensures that only authorized users can make additions to the master list.
Enhancement in Care Programs Enrollment Logs

Enhancement in Care Programs Enrollment Logs

With this enhancement in the Care Programs, system only displays log icons for patients that enrollment logs exist for. This helps users identify patients that have enrollment logs.
Ability to Drag & Drop Documents in the Document Manager

Ability to Drag & Drop Documents in the Document Manager

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, Users can move their documents from system folders to custom folders and vice versa. This helps the users manage their clinical documents efficiently.
Claim Filing Indicator Based Addition of Plans in Care Programs

Claim Filing Indicator Based Addition of Plans in Care Programs

With this enhancement in our Care Programs, only plans with the claim filing indicator MB (Medicare Advantage Plans Part B) or 16 can be added in CCM or PCM Plans. This prevents users from adding plans in CCM that do not offer CCM services.
Enhancements in Patient Disclosures

Enhancements in Patient Disclosures

With these enhancements in patient disclosures, creation date and completion date can be added to patient disclosure. Moreover, disability determination can be recorded as the purpose of the disclosure and patient’s ‘Care Management’ and ‘WIC’ details can be disclosed.
Option to Mark Tasks as Unread in Personal Module

Option to Mark Tasks as Unread in Personal Module

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, tasks can be marked as unread in the Personal Module. This helps users keep track of their work progress.
Task Assignment for Non-Support Users

Task Assignment for Non-Support Users

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, non-support users can only assign tasks to non-support users. This ensures that the tasks meant for non-support users are not assigned to support users.
ICD – 9 Removal from the CureMD Application

ICD - 9 Removal from the CureMD Application

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, ICD - 9 codes have been replaced completely by ICD - 10 codes. ICD - 9 codes became obsolete in October 2015.