
Displaying Alert When Patient’s Next of Kin or Address is Missing on Immunization Chart

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, the system displays a disclaimer when Patient’s next of kin and complete address is missing on the Immunization Chart. This ensures that immunization data of a patient is submitted successfully.

Ability to Cancel a Signed Order in Treatment Plan 

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, signed order can be canceled in the treatment plan. This allows users to cancel nonessential orders from the treatment plan.

Ability to Select Specific Preferences for Lab Orders in Treatment Plan

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, the users can select specific preferences for lab orders. This allows the user to specify and restrict their lab preferences.

Ability to Save All Doses of Influenza Vaccine on Immunization Chart

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, all doses of influenza vaccine can be saved on immunization chart. This allows users to save the complete influenza vaccination information.

Mapping Eligibility with Vaccine Lots

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, users can map eligibility with vaccine lots. This ensures that complete vaccine is added when a new vaccine lot is registered.

Ability to Send Claim Attachments Either by Email or Have It Available on Request

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, claim attachments can be sent either by ‘Email’, or have it be ‘Available on Request’. This allows the insurance company to view the transmission type for the claim attachments through its identification number.

Ability to Enable Remember Device Option to Avoid Two-Factor Authentication on Sign-in

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, users can set the duration for the browser to remember the logged in device. It adds convenience to user experience by reducing the effort of adding two-factor authentication on every sign-in.

Ability to Use Smart Phrases in Care Plan

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, smart phrases can be used in the care plan. This adds convenience to the user experience as they don’t have to write lengthy descriptions.

Displaying Total Time Spent and Billable Codes in CCM/PCM Care Plan

With this enhancement, total time spent by the billing provider/clinical staff and billable codes are displayed in CCM/PCM Care Plan. Users can easily view this information in the care plan of the patient.

Hide Patient’s Medical Information from CommonWell Reports being Generated

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, a patient’s medical information can be hidden from any CommonWell report being generated. This ensures that patient data is not shared if they have requested it.