
Default User Location Setting in Administer Vaccine

This upgrade auto-selects User default location, when administering vaccine or recording history/refusals.

Updates to OBGYN EDD Report

With the latest enhancements, CureMD application allows the users to document patients with a gestational age exceeding 42 weeks. The system calculates the gestational age automatically w.r.t LMP Date and allows the Estimated Fetal Weight (EFW) to be entered as a decimal value. The relevant data for Estimated Due Date (EDD) is also retained by the system if the case type is changed and reverted to pregnancy.

New Graph View for Blood Pressure in Vitals

With this update, user can graphically view the change in Patient’s Blood Pressure percentile over time.

Validation of SSN and EIN Fields

CureMD has introduced validation checks for SSN or EIN of the Practice User/Provider. Practice User can only enter Numeric values in the input fields of SSN and EIN. This enhancement helps in decreasing Claim Rejection Rate.

Display Policy Number with Insurance Plan Name in Case Review

This enhancement is useful for adding workers compensation cases, where one policy number is registered with spinal cord injury and another is for head trauma. Practice User can easily identify different policies of same plan and comments against each, when adding a Case.

Setting to Auto-populate Height in Vitals

This upgrade is beneficial for Practices that mostly deals with Infants, as there is a need to record drastic changes in height, weight or both. The previous readings of the patient vitals can be auto-populated in the current vitals fields.

Enhancements in Calender Weekly Page

With this upgrade, Practice User can set the date range of weekly schedule on Calendar. Read More

Updates to C4.3 Form

In CureMD, C4.3 Form has been updated according to the latest version release by NY Worker Compensation Board. In this updated form practice user can add details of 5 affected body parts/measurements.

Mapping for Inbound Results

CureMD application allows the user to map multiple inbound lab results for a single patient. The lab results are sorted in a chronological order (oldest to latest) so that any inconsistency might be avoided.

Enhancements in Calendar Standard Page

CureMD application has made a couple changes to the Add Calendar Standard page. In order to make the process more efficient, the date range can be edited by clicking on the date field. Secondly, the user cannot edit the criteria under Repeat section once it is saved.