
Ability to Allow/Restrict Insurance Permission for Users

Ability to Allow/Restrict Insurance Permission for Users

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, the practice administrator can restrict the user from adding or editing the insurance of a patient. This allows only authorized users to update the information of a patient to improve data integrity.
Add/Update Ad Hoc Participants for Telemedicine Appointments

Add/Update Ad Hoc Participants for Telemedicine Appointments

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, users can add participants while quick scheduling a patient for a Telemedicine appointment. The purpose of this change is to save users the trouble of navigating to the 'Scheduler' module if participants need to be added on ad hoc basis.
Ability to Print Patient Label in Google Chrome

Ability to Print Patient Label in Google Chrome

With this enhancement in CureMD application, Users can print patient Label from all browsers. This helps improve user experience and save time by allowing all features at one place.
Updates in Audit-trail Report of Ob/Gyn History

Updates in Audit-trail Report of Ob/Gyn History

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, recent updates in the Ob/Gyn History are highlighted as yellow in the Audit-trail report. This helps providers to easily track the changes made in the patient's history.
Maintaining Log for DAISEY Transmission Note

Maintaining Log for DAISEY Transmission Note

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, users can view a log entry for notes that are created as 'Transmit to DAISEY'. This helps user keep track of notes created solely for this purpose.
Ability to View Logs for DAISEY Enrollment

Ability to View Logs for DAISEY Enrollment

With this enhancement in CureMD application, the users can view logs for DAISEY enrollment. This allows users to keep track of when a patient was enrolled and which updates/additions were made.
Primary Caregiver Option in DAISEY Profile Details

Primary Caregiver Option in DAISEY Profile Details

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, Caregiver/Adult patients cannot be DAISEY enrolled without specifying if they are the primary caregiver or not. This enhancement makes the CureMD application consistent with the DAISEY Portal.
Jopari Service Status of Patients

Jopari Service Status of Patients

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, practice administrator can see the Jopari service status of a patient. This helps user see which patient the services are enabled for.
Search a Patient by Any Phone Number

Search a Patient by Any Phone Number

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, a patient can be searched using any phone number associated with them. With this enhancement, users are no longer obligated to specify a specific phone number type while searching for a patient.
Ability to View Logs for Empty Allergy List

Ability to View Logs for Empty Allergy List

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, users can view logs in case an empty allergy list is reviewed. This enables providers to comply with state laws and maintain no allergy records for patients.