
Areas of Specialization Visibility in Provider Search for Referrals

Areas of Specialization Visibility in Provider Search for Referrals

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, the referral section displays relevant specialties alongside the area of specialization in the "Refer To" field. This enables referral coordinators to more accurately search and associate providers with the specific specialties needed for patient referrals.

Error Messaging for Claims with Inactive CPT Codes

Error Messaging for Claims with Inactive CPT Codes

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, an error message is displayed to address attempts to generate claims with inactive CPT codes. This provides clarity to users, thus speeding up the issue resolution processes.

Streamlined Payment Review with an Expand All Feature

Streamlined Payment Review with an Expand All Feature

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, users can expand all service line details on the Payment page for a swift and comprehensive review of payment details, enhancing the efficiency of billing operations.

Granting User Permissions to Initiate EHI Export

Granting User Permissions to Initiate EHI Export

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, user permissions can be enabled to allow specific users the authority to initiate EHI export, offering greater control over the practice.

Option to Export EHI of All Patients in the System

Option to Export EHI of All Patients in the System

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, users can export EHI for all the patients present in the system. This facilitates seamless migration to another system when necessary.

Exporting EHI Based on Patient Data in the System

Exporting EHI Based on Patient Data in the System

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, users can export a patient’s Electronic Health Information (EHI) stored within the application. This allows a patient’s health data to be shared with them in a digitally comprehensible format.

Ability to Leverage Quick Filter on Patient Payment Page

Ability to Leverage Quick Filter on Patient Payment Page

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, the users can leverage Quick Filter on the Payment Page in Patient Module. This ensures that the user is able to filter through the available data reducing time particularly when dealing with extensive lists.

Updates in PLA & HCPCS Library for Fourth Quarter of 2023

Updates in PLA & HCPCS Library for Fourth Quarter of 2023

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, users can access the updated PLA and HCPCS codes library from Procedures for Quarter 4 of 2023. This allows users to select the updated HCPCS codes for the desired procedures.

Displaying the Referrals as Expired When All Visits are Consumed

Displaying the Referrals as Expired When All Visits are Consumed

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, when the user navigates to the Incoming Referral section, if a referral has consumed all of its approved visits, the system promptly marks it as 'expired' and an identification icon is displayed next to the expired referral. Hovering over this icon displays a prompt, "This referral has expired because all approved visits have been consumed". This ensures that the user is always kept informed about the exact state of their referrals.

Displaying Patient Account Number on Referral Report

Displaying Patient Account Number on Referral Report

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, every time a user prints a referral, whether it's a single referral or multiple referrals in the incoming/outgoing referral listing, the Patient Account Number is displayed on the report, alongside all the other vital details. This ensures a seamless patient identification along with aiding the user in maintaining the accuracy and integrity of the medical records.