
Search SureScripts Pharmacies

Search SureScripts Pharmacies

User can search for pharmacy via SureScripts when a medication is prescibed.
Eligibility Service Type Selection on Practice Level

Eligibility Service Type Selection on Practice Level

User can inquiry for eligibility by adjusting parameters like Service Type ,Office and Search Criteria.
Include Title/Suffix with in Vitals Log

Include Title/Suffix with in Vitals Log

User can view Title/Suffix in the vital logs tooltip.
Attach Specialties to Multiple Note Templates and Appointment Reasons
[caption id="attachment_16319" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Associate Specialties[/caption]

Attach Specialties to Multiple Note Templates and Appointment Reasons

User can associate a batch of specialties to multiple appointment reasons, note templates, and providers simultaneously.
Updates to CCM Module
[caption id="attachment_16254" align="aligncenter" width="600"] CCM[/caption]

Updates to CCM Module

User can search a patient on the basis of Account Number. Also user can update the status of the patients who decline  CCM services.
User Preferences for Signature Pad
[caption id="attachment_16231" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Signature Preferences[/caption]

User preferences for Signature Pad

In Preferred Signature Method section, user can set preference for tablet or touch device by enabling the Touch Screen checkbox.
Add Multiple Saturation in Vitals
[caption id="attachment_16224" align="aligncenter" width="561"] Add Multiple Saturation[/caption]

Add Multiple Saturation in Vitals

User can document multiple records of vitals in this section. In Pulse section, users can document patient’s state from the Position drop-down. Furthermore, users can also record Activity and Time of every Saturation level in Oxygenation section.
Search Patients By Middle Name
[caption id="attachment_16219" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Advanced Search[/caption]

Search Patients By Middle Name

To refine the search results, user can also specify Middle Name and Zip Code fields in advanced search tab.
User Permissions for Fee Schedules
[caption id="attachment_15957" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Associate Rights to a User[/caption]

User Permissions for Fee Schedules

Assign different User Permissions via CureMD application to allow authorized users to make changes in Fee Schedules.
Self-pay Patient Indication on Scheduler
[caption id="attachment_15948" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Self-Pay Icon[/caption]

Self-pay Patient Indication on Scheduler

The Self-pay icon on Scheduler module, enable users to identify self-pay appointments that do not have an insurance associated with them.