
Include Title/Suffix with in Vitals Log

Include Title/Suffix with in Vitals Log

User can view Title/Suffix in the vital logs tooltip.
Attach Specialties to Multiple Note Templates and Appointment Reasons
[caption id="attachment_16319" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Associate Specialties[/caption]

Attach Specialties to Multiple Note Templates and Appointment Reasons

User can associate a batch of specialties to multiple appointment reasons, note templates, and providers simultaneously.
Updates to CCM Module
[caption id="attachment_16254" align="aligncenter" width="600"] CCM[/caption]

Updates to CCM Module

User can search a patient on the basis of Account Number. Also user can update the status of the patients who decline  CCM services.
User Preferences for Signature Pad
[caption id="attachment_16231" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Signature Preferences[/caption]

User preferences for Signature Pad

In Preferred Signature Method section, user can set preference for tablet or touch device by enabling the Touch Screen checkbox.
Add Multiple Saturation in Vitals
[caption id="attachment_16224" align="aligncenter" width="561"] Add Multiple Saturation[/caption]

Add Multiple Saturation in Vitals

User can document multiple records of vitals in this section. In Pulse section, users can document patient’s state from the Position drop-down. Furthermore, users can also record Activity and Time of every Saturation level in Oxygenation section.
Search Patients By Middle Name
[caption id="attachment_16219" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Advanced Search[/caption]

Search Patients By Middle Name

To refine the search results, user can also specify Middle Name and Zip Code fields in advanced search tab.
User Permissions for Fee Schedules
[caption id="attachment_15957" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Associate Rights to a User[/caption]

User Permissions for Fee Schedules

Assign different User Permissions via CureMD application to allow authorized users to make changes in Fee Schedules.
Self-pay Patient Indication on Scheduler
[caption id="attachment_15948" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Self-Pay Icon[/caption]

Self-pay Patient Indication on Scheduler

The Self-pay icon on Scheduler module, enable users to identify self-pay appointments that do not have an insurance associated with them.
Evaluations on Provider Note
[caption id="attachment_15937" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Provider Note[/caption]

Evaluations on Provider Note

With this feature users can record interventions, risk assessments and patient screenings directly from a provider note.
Copay Posting as Patient Payment upon Insurance Removal
[caption id="attachment_15109" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Highlighting Copay[/caption]

Copay Posting as Patient Payment upon Insurance Removal

Users can declare a patient’s copay as Paid during check-in to ensure that copay record is not lost within the CureMD application at the time of charge creation or insurance removal.