
Record Past and Current Birth-Control Methods

Users can record both, past and current, birth-control methods for male and female patients in the patient history with the latest update in the CureMD application.

Reports - Miscellaneous - Transaction Log

The Transaction Log screen has been updated to enhance the user experience.

ACOG Report changes

With the latest upgrade in CureMD application, most recent physical exam or initial physical exam populates on ACOG Report for specific pregnancy cases, as per user preferences.

Assignment Reason in Documents

With this enhancement in CureMD Application, users can view reason in the document window, when a document is assigned to them.

Reports - Claims - Invoice

With this upgrade in the CureMD application, the screen for "Claims Invoice" has been updated.

Reports - Claims - Claim Summary

With this upgrade in the CureMD application, the screen for "Claim Summary" has been updated.

Manual Selection of Folders in Document Manager

With this upgrade, CureMD application has optimized the document manger so that the documents can be uploaded in a seamless manner.

MIPS Dashboard - 2019 Entity Creation

CureMD application allows users to create MIPS entities for the year 2019 with the Dashboard following soon. However, the Performance Category Scores are hidden for the time being.

Reports - Service Analysis - General Service Analysis

The screen for General Service Analysis has been updated. Read More

Option to Associate Additional Information with Medical Tests.

With this enhancement, users can add details like Code, Code System and Category while adding Medical Tests to be considered in CQM Report.