
Enhancements in Carbo Dosing Rules on Practice Configuration

With this enhancement, practices have the ability to set precise limits for Serum Creatinine values and Creatinine Clearance levels when determining AUC-based drug dosing. By customizing these limits, healthcare providers can ensure personalized and effective patient care.

Display Practice Fax Number & Supervising Provider Name on Radiology Order Requisition in Treatment Plan

With this enhancement, Practice's Fax number and Supervising Provider’s name is displayed on the printed radiology requisition from Treatment Plan. This enhancement ensures that the both the ordering and supervising providers are identified.

Ability to Send Multiple Lab Results Via Email & Fax from Beta Lab View

An enhancement has been incorporated into the Labs Beta View, which allows the users to send multiple lab results Via email or fax directly from the Labs Beta View. This enables the users to send as many lab results as they want via email and fax mediums directly from the beta view, ensuing maximum flexibility and convenience.

Permanent Enablement of Referrals Advanced View and Removal of Classic View User Permissions

The Advanced View for referrals has been permanently enabled for all CureMD users. This upgraded view offers enhanced features, functionalities, and an intuitive layout for efficient referral management. Additionally, we have removed the user permissions checkbox from Settings, which allowed users to switch back to the Classic View.

Limit Wrong Attempts to Five While Resetting Password via Security Answer Workflow

A security enhancement has been implemented that restricts users to five guess attempts while resetting a password via Security Answer from "Forgot Password" workflow. After exceeding the limit, the account gets blocked, requiring the user to contact support for account unlocking and password reset assistance. This enhancement effectively addresses and mitigates potential security breaches in the Forgot Password page.

Ability to Attach Flowsheet with the Outgoing/Incoming Referrals

This enhancement allows the users to attach Flow Sheets with the Outgoing & Incoming Referrals. It ensures a complete exchange of patient health information with the receiving provider during the referral process.

Display Patient’s Previous and Next Appointment Detail on Patient Tooltip in Referral Window

The patient demographics tooltip in the Referral window now displays the information about previous and next appointment of the patient. This reduces the amount of clicks and helps users view and confirm the patient’s next scheduled visit within the clinic while sorting their patient referral listing.

Enhanced Billing Settings for Streamlined Online Payments Made with Saved Cards

A new checkbox is added in Billing Settings that, when enabled, allows billers to set a default 'Maximum transaction amount', eliminating the need to enter it repeatedly while processing an online payment from a card. Similarly, the system auto populates the 'Use till' field in the online payment section with expiry date of the card being saved.

These enhancements eliminate the need for billers to repeatedly populate these fields when an online transaction is being processed and the ‘Save card on file’ is enabled.

Enable E&M calculator for Inpatient Hospital Discharge Services

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, the system recommends CPT codes relevant to Initial Nursing Facility Care category when the E&M calculator or MDM method is being used. This allows accurate selection of time-based CPT codes that can populate the eSuperbill.

Streamlined Multiple View Scheduler: Automatic Display of Next Scheduled Visit Date

The display of calendars in the Multiple View section is enhanced for users to conveniently manage and view schedules across multiple locations. Users don’t have to manually select or remember their next visit date for each location, all they have to do is select the location and provider, and the system automatically displays the next scheduled visit date with its calendar in the view.