
Add a New Test with Same CPT/Lab Code After the Lab Test is Cancelled on Treatment Plan

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, the users can add the same CPT/Lab code with a lab order if the lab test has once been cancelled on the treatment plan. This ensures that the system allows the users to add a new test with the same CPT/Lab code.

Populate Data in EDI File as per Value Selected from ePIN Qualifier in Billing Group Settings

An enhancement has been made in the ePIN Qualifier field of the Billing/Rendering Provider Settings. Now the ePIN value gets auto-populated on EDI file based on the selection made from the two options including State License Number or UPIN Number. Once an option is selected from ePIN dropdown, it appears in the greyed-out ePIN qualifier text field, which then gets auto-populated in the EDI file.

AJCC Cancer Staging in Provider Notes

With this enhancement in the Chemotherapy Manager, the user is able to associate the documented cancer stage information of patients with the provider note.

Auto Adding ICD Dehydration to Patient’s Plan

With this enhancement in the Chemotherapy manager, when the user adds a hydration drug to a patient's plan, the software instantly adds the "E86.0 Dehydration" diagnosis. This helps in ensuring that this diagnosis doesn't get missed when creating a super bill.

Simplified Access with Enhanced Flowsheet Icons: Vitals, Adverse Events, and Performance Status

With this enhancement in the Chemotherapy Manager, icons including Vitals, Adverse Events and Performance Status have been introduced to the flowsheet navigation bar. This functionality helps the users to add vitals, performance status and adverse events directly from flowsheet.

Enhanced Customization in Flowsheet

With this enhancement in the Chemotherapy Manager, the user is able to hide or display different flowsheet modules in flowsheet customizations. This ensures the user can view the relevant module and hide other modules that are not needed for the time being.

Enhanced Readability and Flexible Drug Representation in Flowsheet

Following enhancements have been incorporated to the flowsheet in regards to the user experience:

  • Enhanced text readability for crisp visibility
  • Refined color scheme
  • Days of treatment are highlighted, allowing the user to swiftly differentiate between past and forthcoming treatment days
  • Highlighting the selected row to boost navigation and data entry

Update Logs for Bulk Charge When Created with Signed eSuperbills

With this enhancement, when bulk charge is created against any signed eSuperbill(s), the charge logs are updated indicating the creation of a bulk charge. The log entry displays the name of the person who created the bulk charge along with other payments details.

Displaying MO HealthNet Coverage with Plan Codes in Patient’s Insurance Eligibility

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, the user is able to access MO/ME plan codes in patient’s insurance eligibility. This enhancement ensures a comprehensive view of patient's insurance eligibility, right down to the specific MO/ME plan codes.

Display Test Level Comments Received from the Lab with Results in Beta Lab View

With this enhancement, users can view the test level comments received from the lab along with the results directly from lab results screen in Beta Lab view. This allows them to review the comments shared by the lab and provide the best appropriate care to the patients.