
WCB NY Updates for HP1 Form

With the latest enhancements, CureMD application now allows the user as well as a health provider to handle a Worker's Compensation more effectively.

Insert Image Functionality in Letter Template

With the addition of this new feature, user can now insert image at any point while creating a letter template.

Disabling Email Notification for Refill Request Acceptance/Rejection

CureMD application now allows the user to enable/disable email notification for Refill Request Acceptance/Rejection as per their desire.

Display Middle Initial in Patient Search Results

With this feature, user can view Patient’s Middle Name Initials in the Search Results and Patient Hot List.
[caption id="attachment_20429" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Suggested Measure(s)[/caption]

MIPS Dashboard - Quality Measure Selection and Dependencies

With this enhancement, measures that depends on other measures are displayed in an information box. Moreover, the system suggests user to select dependencies if they are not added initially. Read More
[caption id="attachment_20399" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Auto-Population of Ordering Provider[/caption]

Auto Population of Ordering Provider for Procedure Other and Consultation Orders

When creating a Procedure, Other or Consultation orders, the system automatically populates the ordering provider on the Provider Note. Read More      

Display Comments on OBGYN Dashboard

With the latest upgrade, Prenatal comments are now shown in the OBGyn Dashboard.
[caption id="attachment_20346" align="aligncenter" width="600"] MG-1 Form[/caption]

WCB NY Updates for MG1 Form

CureMD has updated the MG1 Form according to the latest version released by Worker Compensation Board.

Update Location Filter for Lab Results

With the latest upgrade, a couple of fields in the Lab section have been renamed.

Navigate between Different Provider Notes

The CureMD application now allows the user to navigate between different Provider Notes from within the Note Editor.