
Reports - Health - Service Details

The screen for 'Service Details' has been updated with the new CureMD upgrade.

Reports - Health Department - Patient Count

In the new upgrade of CureMD, the screen for 'Patient Count' has been updated to assist the users better.

Resource Based Appointments on Patient Portal

With this enhancement, the resource based appointments are displayed in Patient Portal.

Include Patient Phone Number in Radiology Order Header when Printing

With this enhancement, patient's phone number is displayed on the Radiology order header when it is printed.

User Permission for Referrals

This enhancement in CureMD application allows the user to edit an incoming referral.

Display Received and Acknowledged Results in Chemotherapy Manager

With this upgrade, the received and acknowledged lab results can be viewed directly on the Patient Profile.

Adding Vital Ranges in Chemotherapy Manager

In CureMD, system shows the user an alert when the recorded value for a Vital is out of range.

Faxing and Email Support in Chemotherapy Manager

With this enhancement in CureMD, patient reports can be emailed and/or faxed from the Chemotherapy Manager by the Practice users.

Discrepancy in Scheduler Eligibility Verification Service

On the Eligibility/ History screen, user can see the appointment date as starting date of 'DOS' date range in the Scheduler and Claims Module. Furthermore, this update is also implemented in the Billing Module where user can see the Encounter date in the DOS column.

Manual Selection of Folders in Document Manager

With this upgrade, CureMD application has optimized the document manger so that documents can be uploaded in a seamless manner.