
Ability to Delete Administration Comments in Chemo

In this enhancement of CureMD application, the format of Administration comments has been enhanced. Moreover, practice users are also able to delete the Admin related comments.

Patient Comments Popup Revamp

This enhancement in CureMD application allows user to save comments via patient header.

Cancer Specific Mapping in Chemo Staging, Regimen Selection and Chemo Flowsheet Template

This enhancement in CureMD application allows user to populate diagnoses specific disease types and flowsheet templates for the users to efficiently navigate their way through the application whilst selecting regimen and making a chemo plan.

Nucleus Miscellaneous Enhancements

This enhancement in CureMD application allows user to select HGB & HCT values while dispensing from the Nucleus Dispensing pop-up.

Select PSA & Gleason Score from Chemo Staging

This enhancement in CureMD application allows user to select PSA & Gleason score whilst documenting Chemo Staging.

'Pre-determination Pricing Only' ERAs in Remittance Advice

The latest upgrade in the CureMD application displays a 'Pre-determination Pricing Only - No Payment' message under pre-determination ERAs when users try to post them.

Chemo Flowsheet Updates

In this enhancement in CureMD application updates are made in Chemotherapy Flowsheet.

Option to Associate Family Members With Family Disease History Records

With the upgrade in CureMD application the family members list to associate diseases has been updated. Users can associate the diseases with Great Grandparents and Great Uncle and Aunt in family history.

Activity Logs for Tasks

CureMD application allows the user to keep a log of all tasks. It helps maintain a record of all the changes made to the tasks.

Addition of Date and Comments in the 'Evaluations' SOAP Text

With the upgrade in CureMD application the SOAP Text content for evaluation component is enhanced. When user adds an evaluation, the date and comments are populated in the SOAP text.