
Mapping Assessment Forms with Depression Screening Codes of CMS 2

Mapping Assessment Forms with Depression Screening Codes of CMS 2

With this enhancement, assessment forms related to depression have been mapped with the depression screening codes of CMS 2. Users can easily fill-out assessment forms and receive incentives from CMS.

Displaying Counts and List of Patients Falling in Each Trimester on Quality Care Indicators Report

Displaying Counts and List of Patients Falling in Each Trimester on Quality Care Indicators Report

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, Quality Care Indicators report display the counts and list of patients falling in each trimester. This ensures that providers receive incentives for accurate UDS reporting.

Increase in Character Limit of Category Field on Disease Page

Increase in Character Limit of Category Field on Disease Page

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, the character limit for the Category field has been increased from 30 to 50 on disease page. The required information is accurately reflected on the ACOG report.

Option to Directly Navigate to Patient’s Demographics and Insurance from Problem List

Option to Directly Navigate to Patient’s Demographics and Insurance from Problem List

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, users can directly navigate to Patient’s demographics and insurance from Problem List page. Practice users can easily navigate to required pages from a single page.

Sorting of Patient Diagnoses Having Comments/Notes Associated with Them

Sorting of Patient Diagnoses Having Comments/Notes Associated with Them

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, the patient diagnoses that have Comments/Notes associated with them can be sorted together. Users can easily view the relevant diagnosis without having to look through the entire list.

One-Time Configuration Page for Global Pay Settings

One-Time Configuration Page for Global Pay Settings

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, a one-time configuration page has been created for Global Pay settings. This allows Global Pay representatives to access the settings page and configure Global Pay services.

Replacing Error and Warning Text with Icons on External Document Viewer in CommonWell

Replacing Error and Warning Text with Icons on External Document Viewer in CommonWell

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, error and warning text on external document viewer are replaced with icons. Users get an improved and convenient interface.

Manually Updating Patient’s Eligibility Status for Insurances Offering Real-time Benefit Check

Manually Updating Patient’s Eligibility Status for Insurances Offering Real-time Benefit Check

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, users can manually mark a patient eligible or not eligible for insurance plans that offer real-time benefit check. This allows billers to perform manual claim validation in case of any issue in the automatic real-time eligibility inquiry.

Increase in Character Limit of Remarks Field in Tasks

Increase in Character Limit of Remarks Field in Tasks

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, the character limit of the remarks field has been increased from 500 to 2000 in tasks. Users can easily add detailed information.

Ability to Select and Group Multiple Claim Statuses in On hold Claims

Ability to Select and Group Multiple Claim Statuses in On hold Claims

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, users can select and group multiple claim statuses at once in On hold claims. This allows billers to filter specific statuses and perform bulk actions as required.