
Displaying Providers in Color-Coded Categories in Scheduler

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, the providers in the scheduler listing are color-coded. This helps the user in viewing providers with available schedules on a given day, and also manage their providers and resources.

Option to Only View Providers/Resources with Available Schedule on the Selected Date

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, users have the option to view only those providers and resources who have available schedules on the specific day. This ensures that the list displays only the available options for that particular day.

Ability to Change Calendar Duration While Creating Schedule

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, calendar duration can be changed as per requirement while creating a schedule with enterprise view enabled from settings. Users can set desired calendar duration.

Ability to View Logs of Text to Pay Messages

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, users are able to view the logs of sent Text to Pay messages. This ensures that users can track when a message was sent, to whom it was sent, and can verify the due amount sent to patients.

Ability to Send Text to Pay Message on a Desired Day

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, users have the option to restrict Text to Pay messages for a selected number of days. This ensures that reconciliation, verifications, posting and other processes are performed before the message is sent to patients.

Enhancements in Claim Type Column on Payment Posting Page

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, the system displays correct type of the claim w.r.t the Payer ID. This ensures that claims are submitted in correct file format.

Displaying Changes Made to Patient's Qualification in MIPS CQMs from Patient Chart on the MIPS Dashboard

With this enhancement, changes made to the patient's qualification in MIPS CQMs from the patient chart are displayed on the MIPS Dashboard as well. This ensures that both the workflows are in sync and display the same information.

Controls to Manually Invoke Text to Pay Service

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, dedicated controls have been added to manually invoke the Text to Pay service. Users can directly send payment-related text messages to selected or all patients.

Notifying Users When Service Date Extends a Procedure’s Effective Period

With this enhancement in CureMD application, users are notified immediately if they try to enter a procedure code for a service date that is not valid within their effective period. This helps avoid claim rejections and denials by preventing the submission of invalid procedure codes for specific service dates.

Ability to View All Allergies Associated with a Patient in Patient Banner

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, users can view all allergies associated with a patient in Patient Banner. Users can easily view and scroll through the complete list of allergies without having to manually visit the respected component.