
Un-sign Feature for Radiology Orders

With the latest enhancements, CureMD application allows user to unsign the submitted radiology orders.

Adding CCM User Access Rights and Configurations

The latest upgrade in CureMD allows user to configure CCM module from within the application. Moreover, user can specify the user access rights for different components of CCM module.

MIPS Dashboard - Update Numerator and Initial Population

This latest upgrade classifies data of quality measures in the MIPS format. It aids in better understanding of the Quality Programs.

Payment Comments Against Advances in Reports

Advance payments are collected by hospitals for numerous reasons. In CureMD, comments against advance payment are auto-populated in ‘Applied/Unapplied’ report and ‘Allocate Unapplied’ pop-up.

Auto-Population of WCB Carrier Code

CureMD application eases the identification of insurance by auto-populating the carrier code on the Worker’s Compensation form.

Displaying Email ID on Reference Provider Report

In CureMD, usability is improved with the addition of reference provider Email ID on the Reference Provider Report.

Appointment Reminder Report Settings

With this upgrade, user can display a specific provider address or appointment location address on the Appointment Reminder Report.

Adding Generic Instructions for Medications

With the latest enhancement, default patient instructions auto-populate while prescribing a medication in CureMD application.

Addition of Fax Number Column on Reference/Practice Provider Listing

User can get fax number and phone number of the Reference/Practice Provider from Provider Listing Page. The usability is increased by providing details of all providers at the same page.

Enhancement to Search Feature in Messages

The enhanced search functionality in Messages section allows user to search for patient on the basis of Account Number and Date of Birth.