
Displaying Mobile Number on the Printed LabCorp Requisition

Displaying Mobile Number on the Printed LabCorp Requisition

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, mobile number is displayed on the printed lab order for a laboratory having template, ‘Lab_Corp’. Users can easily view the complete contact information on the printed order.
PRN Drugs Scheduling Workflow

PRN Drugs Scheduling Workflow

Users have a dedicated workflow for scheduling ‘PRN/Unscheduled’ drugs and linking them with the treatment days.  
Modification Workflow for the Proposed Future Treatment Schedule

Modification Workflow for the Proposed Future Treatment Schedule

Users can change the system suggested resource and time slots for future treatment schedules allowing them greater flexibility.  
Ability to Add CIVI Duration in Hours

Ability to Add CIVI Duration in Hours

Users now have the capability to provide continuous IV infusion (CIVI) duration in hours. This will help with precise ordering and documentation.  
Enhancements in the Help Center

Enhancements in the Help Center

With this enhancement, users can access release notes, tips & tricks, and demo videos in the Help Center. This helps users in completing their daily tasks efficiently.  
Ability to SMS Appointment Location Map URL to Patients

Ability to SMS Appointment Location Map URL to Patients

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, users can SMS the map URL of the patient's appointment prior to their appointments. This helps users navigate their way to the appointment location easily.  
Option to Record Feedback on Lab and Immunization Pages

Option to Record Feedback on Lab and Immunization Pages

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, users can provide feedback about their experience on the ‘Lab’ and ‘Immunization’ Pages. This helps CureMD identify problem areas and make user oriented decisions.
Sorting Diagnoses Favorite List in Ascending/Descending Alphabetical Order

Sorting Diagnoses Favorite List in Ascending/Descending Alphabetical Order

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, users can sort a diagnoses favorite list in ascending or descending alphabetical order. This improves readability of the list.
Specifying Additional Code for a Vaccine in Settings

Specifying Additional Code for a Vaccine in Settings

With this enhancement in the CureMD application, an additional code can be specified for a vaccine in the vaccine admin codes settings. This ensures that the vaccines are billed correctly.
Specifying Vaccine Administration Codes for Booster Doses

Specifying Vaccine Administration Codes for Booster Doses

With this enhancement, users can specify vaccine administration codes for booster doses. This ensures that each booster dose has a specific vaccine administration code.