
Eligibility Service Type Selection on Practice Level

User can inquiry for eligibility by adjusting parameters like Service Type ,Office and Search Criteria.

Include Title/Suffix with in Vitals Log

User can view Title/Suffix in the vital logs tooltip.

Reports - EHR - Immunization

Following screen has been updated.

Reports - Service Analysis - By Case

This is a routine screen update for Service Analysis - By Case Report.
[caption id="attachment_16319" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Associate Specialties[/caption]

Attach Specialties to Multiple Note Templates and Appointment Reasons

User can associate a batch of specialties to multiple appointment reasons, note templates, and providers simultaneously.
[caption id="attachment_16304" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Practice Preferred NDC[/caption]

Capability to Specify Drug Wastage Option on Practice Preferred NDCs

Users can specify Bill Wastage Criteria for drugs on Practice Preferred NDC screen. In order to specify the bill wastage preference, user can navigate to the Settings and click on Practice Preferred NDC.
[caption id="attachment_16288" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Lab Corp[/caption]

New Lab Parser for LabCorp Dianon

The Lab Type field is mandatory to be selected, from this drop-down user can select various labs configured with our application. A lab type for Lab Corp Dianon Laboratory has been added in this drop-down.
[caption id="attachment_16284" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Sort Users[/caption]

Sort Practice Users by Last Name on Patient Portal

In To field, user can add name of Practice users to whom message is supposed to be sent. These names are sorted on basis of last name.
[caption id="attachment_16281" align="aligncenter" width="600"] SPARCS[/caption]

Implementation of SPARCS new file Format and Edits

SPARCS has modified the claim file submission criteria according to X12 standards.

Program and Location Association

Users can create and search for program codes specific to location to streamline the process of billing over multiple locations.