EPSDT Indicator

Rejection Details:

This rejection occurs when the 2300 Loop is missing the CRC segment (EPSDT indicator). The EPSDT (Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment) referral information was expected but not found.


Follow the instructions below to add an EPSDT Indicator and fix this rejection:

  • Go to Patient> Billing> Charges
  • Click on the appointment date for which the indicator is requird.
  • Click on the “+” icon next to CTP to expand line level options.
  • Check the box for “EPSDT Service” to populate the CRC segment.
  • Select “EPSDT Ref. Code” to populate “Y”/”N” (Yes/No) in the EDI file.
  • Selecting “NU” = No – Selecting AV/S2/ST = Yes
  • Save the charge and resubmit the claim

Note: This only applies for Medicaid plans or any plan with MC claim filing indicator.