How to Enable User Permissions for Patient Portal?
Follow the above mentioned workflow to land on the ‘Permissions’ screen.
Scroll down to the Patient Portal section.
Enable the following checkboxes as required:
- Register Patients
- Manage Patient Portal requests
- Message/Email
Click ‘Save’ when done.

Marking the ‘Register Patients’ checkbox enables the user to register new patients from the ‘Settings’ and the ‘Patient’ modules. To see this, click here.
If ‘Manage Patient Portal Requests’ checkbox is marked, then the user can accept or reject portal requests from the ‘Personal’ module. To view this, click here.
Moreover, if ‘Message/Email’ checkbox is marked, user can communicate with the patient through the ‘Personal’ and ‘Patient’ modules. To see how it is done, click here.
Patient can only communicate with those users who have ‘Message/Email’ checkbox marked.
The ‘Patient Portal Requests’ checkboxes are displayed in the ‘Role’ component as well. To view, click here.