CMS123v6 – Diabetes: Foot Exam
Diabetes: Foot Exam | CMS123v7 | The percentage of patients 18-75 years of age with diabetes (type 1 and type 2) who received a foot exam (visual inspection and sensory exam with mono filament and a pulse exam) during the measurement year |
Patients 18-75 years of age with diabetes with a visit during the measurement period. – DENOMINATOR EXCLUSION Patients who have had either a bilateral amputation above or below the knee, or both a left and right amputation above or below the knee before or during the measurement period. Exclude patients whose hospice care overlaps the measurement period. – NUMERATOR Patients who received visual, pulse and sensory foot examinations during the measurement period. |
For Denominator: All patients 18-75 years of age with diabetes with a visit during the measurement period are included in denominator. To record an encounter, navigate to Patient > Provider Note > eSuperbill. The documentation of the first encounter takes place when one visit code gets attached with the patient’s eSuperbill/ charge. For Numerator: Patients who received one of the following visual, pulse and sensory foot examinations during the measurement period are included in numerator.
To record physical exam, navigate to Patient > Clinical > Evaluations. To know more about How to Add an Evaluation click here. – DENOMINATOR EXCLUSION