How to Enable User Permissions for Clinical Components?

Settings > Practice > Practice User > Permissions

Follow the workflow above to land on the ‘Permissions’ screen.

In the ‘Permissions’ section, enable the ‘Patient’ checkbox.

This will display the ‘Patient’ and ‘Clinical’ component permissions.

Permissions – Patient
Permissions – Patient
Permissions – Clinical

Enable the required checkboxes under ‘Patient’ and ‘Clinical’ sections to give the particular user access to those components.

Enabling the ‘Estimated Due Date’ checkbox enables user to view ‘EDD’ and populate it on ‘Provider Notes’.

The ‘Care Plan’ component can be enabled for users by marking the relevant checkbox in the ‘Clinical’ section.

In the ‘Clinical’ section, ’Risk’ checkbox can also be enabled to allow users to view the ‘Risk’ component of the application.

The ‘Risk’ checkbox can also be enabled from the ‘Role’ component. To see how it is done, click here.

To access the ‘Risk’ component, click here.