What is Summary of Care log?
Users can view a log for ‘Summary of Care’.
Follow the workflow mentioned above to land on the ‘Referrals’ screen.
Select an outgoing referral. This section maintains a log of when a SOC document was printed, faxed or sent via eMessage. Hover over the ‘Pending’ link to display tooltip.
On Clicking the Pending link, a popup is displayed asking the user to confirm the receipt of the summary of care document that was sent.
- The summary of care log section is only displayed when the SOC has been printed/ faxed or sent via an eMessage.
- The list is sorted by date and time with the most recent date displayed on the top.
- The ‘Sent to’ column displays either the direct address in case of an eMessage or the fax number when the SOC document is faxed.
- The ‘Pending’ link under ‘Acknowledged by Recipient’ is only visible for events when the SOC has been sent via eMessage or is faxed.
- From the pop-up screen, on clicking ‘No’, the ‘Acknowledged by Recipient’ will display ‘Pending’.