What Are Client Responsibilities Post-Server Setup?

While CureMD promotes the convenience of cloud hosting for our clients, there are some who choose to host CureMD application on their own server. It is client’s responsibility to ensure that CureMD has the required Access and Admin permissions to evaluate the server and install the necessary software.

Here are the client’s responsibilities:

Secure Access methods recommended by CureMD

  • Remote Desktop Secure Gateway
  • SSL VPN Client
  • RDP to CureMD endpoint IPs only
  • Any other secure agent based RDP access

Server User Account Access

  • Create an Local Admin account for CureMD on the server
  • Grant “sys.admin” role to CureMD user on the SQL Instance

Publishing the Application over the web

  • Register an FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name)
  • Purchase an SSL and install the Web Server Certificate on the Server
  • Publish Application over port tcp 443 https

Purchase Software/License

  • Windows 2012R2 Standard or 2016 Standard
  • SQL 2014 Standard or 2016 Standard
  • Crystal Reports 12 (2008)

Health Monitoring and Alerts

  • Disk Utilization Thresholds (Must generate alert on ISO utilization over the optimum limit as per their RAID level configuration)
  • Physical Memory Thresholds (Must generate alert if the memory is reached to 90% and above)
  • CPU Utilization Thresholds (Must generate alert if the CPU utilization is reached to 90% and above)
  • Free Disk Space in GB (Must generate alert on 10%-15% free space available)
  • Generate Alert on http and https Services outages

Windows Services Monitoring

  • Appointment Reminder Scheduler
  • CureIVRSchedulerService
  • CureSMS
  • CureLink
  • CureLinkAlertService
  • BatchDatabaseService
  • CMDCLSSIS-10.6 (SureScript)
  • CDSS Window Service
  • Auto Charge Service
  • Auto Eligibility Service
  • Batch Eligibility Request Service
  • Batch Eligibility Responses Sync Service
  • Auto Claim Status Service
  • Batch Claim Status Request Service
  • Batch Claim Status Responses Sync Service
  • Responses Sync Service (Claim Responses and ERA)
  • Profile Sync Service
  • Claim Scrubber
  • Online Payment
  • Auto ERA Posting Service

CureMD Doesn’t procure any equipment on a client’s behalf, it is the client’s responsibility to purchase the equipment based on CureMD’s recommendations