What is CureMD’s Enterprise System Design?

CureMD provides an integrated all-in-one electronic health record (EHR), practice management, patient portal, and revenue cycle management services via Software as a Service.

(SaaS) model to help reduce upfront costs, improve quality and operational efficiency. CureMD’ s adaptable, affordable and accessible technology simplify decision making, streamline operations, ensure compliance with industry standards and best practices, ultimately saving time and effort to maximize value and returns.

CureMD Enterprise is a completely scalable 3-tier application. The system can be configured as a standalone system or scaled to an Enterprise-wide application, handling virtually an unlimited number of sites and workstations.

CureMD Enterprise3-tier architecture allows multiple client stations access to a CureMD Enterprise application over the web. Each client workstation is connected to the server via network, everyone in organization can share this centrally located information. Each server in the data center does not necessarily represent a different piece of hardware. Depending on the number of patient visits per year and modules implemented, it may be possible to consolidate some hardware.