How to Replace Drugs in a Regimen?

Settings > Regimen Creation

Practices have their own preferred market brands that they wish to use in the regimen. “Inventory Preferences” refer to the alternatives that are present in the system database while “Recommended” drugs are the ones that have been extracted from practice preferred list of NDCs.

If the user selects a drug alternative, it must be specified whether the drug is to be replaced for that particular regimen or the replacement is to be effective in a list of selected regimens. When the user clicks Select regimen(s) to replace the drug, this window opens up.

In order to select a preferred drug while in regimen creation, the user can click on the drug they want to replace and and then click on the “Recommended” blue link. A pop-up window appears showing the list of practice preferred NDCs.

The following popup window appears, enabling the user to select a preferred drug.

The user can select the alternative from this list and click on OK button.

Users can also replace a drug by clicking on  while making a regimen in Regimen Creation workflow.

Drug Replacement Action

Lastly, any drug can be deleted by clicking on trash icon  in chemo drug-strip.

Delete a drug

The system does not inactivate a system regimen, if the user replaces one of its drugs. Instead, the system makes a copy of that regimen, and has the replaced drug present in the new one. 

Replace Drug