How to Document Drugs taken at Hospital?

Oncology > Chemo Plan

Administrations done at Hospitals or other outsourced locations can be documented in Chemotherapy Manager. These admins are for documentation purposes only and cannot be charged.

In order to do so, practice users have to flag a drug as ‘Home Health/Hospital Administration’ in a Chemo Plan. To see how it’s done, please click here.

Drugs Marked to be Administered at Hospital

Once the Order has been signed, make its chemo admin. This prompts the system to acquire administration type from practice user(s).

Admin/Injection – Administration Type selection screen

Select ‘Home health/Hospital Administration’. The system only allows to administer drugs that are marked with this flag.

Documentation of Drug given at Hospital.

Once the hospital admin is signed, system creates a provider note for it but the superbill will not be created.