How to Add Diagnosis to a Chemo Order?

Patient > Chemo Plan > Diagnosis

To associate a diagnosis in chemo order/plan, navigate to the Diagnosis section. User can search for the diagnosis by using the inline search. Clicking on the search icon displays a drop down list, the user can select the desired diagnosis to associate with the patient.

Add Diagnosis

If the diagnosis has been already recorded from application, it will auto populate in the diagnosis window pane .

Diagnosis List

On the order screen, the sequence of diagnosis codes is important because the diagnosis listed at the top is considered as main diagnosis on the Charges and the system suggests regimens based on the first diagnosis in the list. To change the position of the added diagnosis, hover the cursor over the dotted icon and click and hold to drag and drop.

Relocate Diagnosis

The user can check mark a specific diagnosis as doing so will add it to the Chemo plan.