How to Add and View Labs in Chemo Order / Plan?

Patient > Chemo Plan > Labs

User can Add or View labs after the plan and chemo admin is signed.
In order to view or a add a lab, click on the Lab link and a drop down will appear with two options:

  1. Add Lab
  2. View Lab

If the user clicks on Add button, an “Add Lab” screen shows up. User can specify the Provider’s name and click on ‘Save’ button after filling all the required Information.

Add Lab

User can also view the lab by clicking on Add button. This helps the user to view the lab results for a particular date.

View Labs

For convenience, users can access and acknowledge the lab results on the Patient Profile.  

The CBC is not billed if the admin is signed. It only appears in View Labs.

The system displays all the received and acknowledged lab results in the Chemotherapy manager.