What are G0 Charges?

Specialty > House Call > G0 Charges

CureMD offers users the ability to log the time spent on ‘Care Plan Oversight’ services (G0179, G0180, G0181, G0182) and automatically generates charges at the end of the month. Users can search for the approved G0 services that they want to create the charges for using the search filters available.

From the search results, users can mark the ‘Post’ checkbox against the required patients and click on ‘Save’. Charges are generated for these patients.

A separate charge is created for each G0179 (Re-Certification) or G0180 (Certification) service. A single charge is created for G0181 and G0182 services where the total time per patient, per provider, per month adds up to 30 minutes or more.

G0 charges automatically pull the diagnosis codes from the most recent charge in the patient profile. If no valid diagnosis codes exist, the system creates the charge without diagnosis codes and drops it into the ‘Problem List’ for review.

House Call- G0 Charges

To bill G0181 or G01812 in a particular month, the cumulative time spent on a particular patient needs to add up to 30 minutes or more.