How to Add a Customized Template in a Custom Form?

Settings > EHR > Custom Forms > Template

Users can add a customized template in a custom form.

Follow the workflow above to land on the ‘Custom Forms’ screen.

On the “Custom Forms” screen, click the ‘+Add’ button from the action bar.

Add Custom Forms

User is navigated to “Add Custom Forms” screen. Here, add a new form. Enter the name of the form in the ‘Name’ field and click the ‘Save’ button from the action bar.

Save Form Template

User is navigated to the “Edit Custom Forms” screen. Here, click the ‘Groups +” button to add a group.

Edit Custom Forms

On the “Add Group” popup screen, enter the name of the group and click the ‘Save’ button. Multiple groups can be added.

Add Group

User can add the findings in the form. Click ‘Findings +’ to add a finding.

Add Findings

Name the finding and click the ‘Save’ button. Multiple findings can be added.

Add Findings

User can add the characteristics for findings. To add the characteristics under findings, click on ‘+’ icon with the name of the finding.

Add Characteristics

User is navigated to the “Add Question” screen. Here, user can select the fields and can add the question to the template.

Add Characteristics

From the Type drop-down, select the type and click the ‘Save’ button.

Select Type

User can preview the custom form. Click the ‘Preview’ tab to preview the added form.

Preview Custom Form

On the “Preview” screen, user can see the name of the form and the fields added to the form. Fill the fields of the form and click ‘Save’.

Preview Form

On the “Edit Custom Forms” screen, user can see the checkbox with ‘Show in KIOSK’ option. Mark the checkbox to enable the option to view custom forms in KIOSK.

Edit Custom Forms

To know how to add custom forms in KIOSK, click here.

The character limit of ‘Extended’ free text field has been increased.

Users get extended space to consolidate and reconcile the required information.

Select the ‘Text Area’ from Type dropdown and ‘Extended’ in Size.

‘Type’ and ‘Size’ Fields