How to Set Household Income Flags in Letters and Notes?

Settings > Reports > Letter Templates

Follow the workflow above to land on the ‘Templates’ screen.

Users can either select a template from the list, search for a template using the search fields, or click ‘+Add’ to create a new template.

Doing so will display the ‘Letter Template’ screen.”

Go to the Template Fields section.

Set flag ‘Type’ as ‘Family’ from the dropdown menu.

Set ‘Fields’ as ‘Annual Income’ from the dropdown menu and click the ‘+’ button next to it.

Doing so will add the ‘Annual Income’ flag in the letter template.

Click ‘Save’ when done.

Letter Template

To enable Sliding Scale settings from Billing, click here.
To enable Sliding Scale settings from Reports, click click here.

The Sliding Scale Applies flag has a value of ‘YES’ when it is checked in the patient’s household income. It has a value of NO when it is unchecked in the patient’s household income. Click on Save. The letter is added successfully.