How to Move Appointments in Bulk?

Settings > Practice > Move Appointments

Follow the workflow mentioned above to land on the ‘Move Appointments’ tab.

Here, the appointments can be moved from one provider to another or from one location to another in bulk.

Move Appointments

Either select resource from ‘Resource’ dropdown or a location from ‘Location’ dropdown. Select a provider from the ‘Provider’ dropdown and a specific date range using the ‘From’ and ‘To’ fields.

User can only search for the appointments scheduled for future.

Once the search criteria is selected, click ‘Search.’

Move Appointments

User can select all the appointments by marking the checkbox at the top, next to the ‘Patient’ heading.

However, to select any specific appointments, mark the checkbox(s) against the patient name and then click ‘Move Appointments.’

Move Appointments

Doing so displays a popup, from where the user can select the destination location, provider or a resource from the associated dropdown.

Once selected, click ‘Move Appointments’ to move the appointments to the selected destination.

Move Appointments

User can only move appointments from an active or inactive provider/resource to an active Provider/Resource.
‘Move Appointments’ component is only visible if in schedulers settings, ‘split calendar allowed per booking’ checkbox is unchecked and user role is MDADMIN or ADMIN.
Appointments cannot be moved if the calendar doesn’t exist or there exists a calendar block.
Searched appointments cannot include any checked-in, checked-out, charged or paymade appointments.
If some appointments are searched but not selected, then upon clicking ‘Move Appointments’ all the appointments are moved.