How to Enable Settings For Program Code Selection On Provider Note?

Settings > Practice > My Practice Settings > EHR

Follow the above mentioned workflow to land on ‘EHR’ tab.

The ‘Program Selection’ and ‘Make Program Selection Mandatory’ checkboxes need to be enabled from ‘Billing’ settings. To know how it is done, click here.

Under the ‘Provider Notes/Case/Letter’ heading, mark the ‘Program Selection’ checkbox to view the program codes popup on a provider note.

Program Selection

Also, to make the selection of codes mandatory, mark the ‘Make Program Selection Mandatory’ checkbox.

Once the required checkboxes have been marked, click ‘Save.’

Make Program Selection Mandatory

Note : In case ‘State Programs’ checkbox is disabled, hovering over ‘Program Selection’ and ‘Make Program Selection Mandatory’ shows a tooltip to the users.