How to View Event Logs?

Settings > EHR > Clinical Interventions

Users can view ‘Event Logs’ for an ‘Alert’.

Follow the workflow above to land on the ‘Clinical Interventions’ page.

Select an ‘Alert’ from ‘Clinical Interventions’ page to open its ‘Rule’ screen.

Clinical interventions

Here, users can view ‘Event Logs’.

‘Event Logs’ show any changes made to the alert specifying date and time at which the changes were made.

Following information is also displayed in the ‘Event Log’.

  • User’s ‘User Name’ who made the changes,
  • Subject’s ‘Changed to’ details
  • Action made
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Status of Alert.
Event Logs

Here, the logs show changes made to gender and age, specifying user who made the changes and time at which the changes were made.

Event Logs