What is Appointment Reminder Report?

Scheduler > ‘Daily’ Tab

The Appointment Reminder Report is sent to a patient for providing them with reminders of their upcoming appointments.

Follow the workflow above to land on the ‘Daily’ tab in the ‘Scheduler’ module.

Click on the required appointment to display the pop-up menu.

Click the ‘Appt. Reminder Report’ option.

Booked Appointment Slot

Patients can contact a provider based in the location of where their required appointment is booked.

The following items are displayed in the ‘Appointment Reminder Report’:

  • Physician Name
  • Appointment Time
  • Appointment Reason
  • Appointment Location
  • Location Phone Number
Appointment Reminder Report

Users can insert instructions in the ‘Appointment Reminder Report’.

To do this, enable the ‘Display instructions on report’ checkbox.

Display Instructions on Report

This will display the ‘Instructions’ box. Instructions typed in here will be displayed in the ‘Appointment Reminder Report’.

Instructions box

After the required instructions have been typed in, click ‘Appt. Reminder Report’ option to display the ‘Appointment Reminder Report’ preview.

Appointment Reminder Instructions