What is MU Performance?
The MU Performance Report allows a user to view and evaluate the overall performance of a Provider. This Performance can be evaluated based on a wide variety of Performance Indicators.
Follow the workflow above to access the ‘MU Performance’ screen.

Here, the search criteria for evaluating MU Performance can be selected. The user can select the specific Provider they want to evaluate by clicking on the ‘Provider’ drop down.
The Provider can also be evaluated based on Reporting Period. The reporting period can be Yearly, Monthly or a specified Period.
Reporting Period can be selected by clicking on the drop down next to ‘Reporting’ tag.

User can also choose what Performance Indicators (Measures) to evaluate the Provider on. These measures are displayed on ‘MU Performance’ screen in form of ‘Objectives’.
The criteria for evaluating Providers can be specified by clicking on the checkbox next to desired Objectives.

Or, the user can click on ‘Select All’ button in order to evaluate the Provider based on all evaluation Objectives.

The user can click on ‘Report’ to generate a report that shows the details of Target Performance level and current Percentage Performance level for the selected Provider according to the selected Performance Indicators.

Users can view patient account numbers on the MU performance report for all measures.
Select ‘MU Stage 3’ from the ‘MU Stage’ dropdown.
Users can either select all objectives by clicking the “Select All” checkbox, or select appropriate objective(s) by clicking the appropriate checkbox(es).
(Multiple objectives can be selected.)
Then click ‘Print’.

Click on the ‘Click to see Patient(s) Details’ hyperlink.

The system displays the patient account numbers on the printed report.