What is an OB/GYN Financial Detailed Report?
An OB/GYN Financials Detailed report is a customized report that documents:
- Services rendered by the practice providers
- The charges against each one of them
- The amount paid by the patients
It can also be used to view the finances of Obstetrics (OB) and Gynaecology (GYN) separately.
To view this report, user can open the Reports module and navigate down the left tree to ‘Miscellaneous’ where they can find a node titles ‘OB/GYN’. Here a user needs to select the DOS, Transaction and Payment dates to set the search criteria and then check ‘Detailed’.
Following this user needs to hit the ‘Print’ button at the top of the window to generate the report.
User can select ‘Open’, ‘Save’ or ‘Save As’ option to view the report.
On this Report user can view the total payments of rendering provider from ‘Total Payments Rendering Provider’, this helps the user identify the ‘OB/GYN’ and ‘Total Payment’ in a separate column.
Also, CPT Columns 59425 and 59426 have also been replaced with 59409, 59410, 59514, 59618 in ‘OB Count’ table.