What is an Invoice Report?

Reports > Claims > Invoice

Users can now generate Invoice reports and also search for the outstanding invoices on the basis of Patient’s First Name, Last Name, Account No., Provider, Plan, Status, Print History, DOS, Invoice Date and Invoice Number.

Navigate to ‘Claims’ bucket and click on “Invoice”. Fill in details and click on the ‘Search’ button.

Invoice: Report Search

Users also have the option to modify the report header. To do this click here.

1. Last Name, First Name and Account No. to search Invoice(s) for a specific patient.
2. Provider: All Practice Providers. Inactive providers are displayed in RED.
3. Resource: All Practice Resources. Inactive resources are displayed in RED. None option is also available.
4. Plan: All associated Insurance plans.
5. Status: Dropdown for selecting claim status. By default 7. Never been billed is selected.
6. DOS: To retrieve Invoices within a Date Range.

If the Invoice option is not available on user application, kindly click here to enable it.