How to Restrict Entities By Category on MIPS Dashboard? 

Quality Programs > MIPS Dashboard > Settings > MIPS Reporting Entities

To meet the changes in MIPS reporting criteria user has to submit Quality data for the complete reporting year instead of a period of 90 days as in 2017. Also note that Improvement Activities and Advancing Care Information can still be reported for periods of 90 days.

In order to do this CureMD has added a new field named Performance Category to help user create category specific MIPS entities on MIPS Reporting Entities screen.

Performance Category

Users can also view the Performance Category on MIPS Reporting Entities screen.

Performance Category Column

Furthermore, configurations for 2018 entities are disabled.

Disabled Configuration

Any entities added for the year 2018 will not be visible in the Entity dropdown on Dashboard, Financial Impact and Measures pages.