What are Provider Notes?

Personal > Administration > Provider Notes

This section displays a record of all the ‘Provider Notes’.

Users can Search, Print and Assign Provider Notes.

Users are able to filter provider notes by following options:

  • ‘First Name’
  • ‘Last Name’
  • ‘Status’
  • ‘Date’
  • ‘Keyword’
  • ‘Provider’
  • ‘Type’
  • ‘eSuperbill’
Provider Notes

Multiple options can be selected in the ‘Type’ dropdown.

Provider Notes

Filter dropdowns labeled “Location” and “Assigned To” appear above the provider notes listing.

The “Location” filter shows a list of all practice-related locations, including inactive locations displayed in grey. Similarly, the “Assigned To” dropdown lists all practice users, with inactive users highlighted in grey.

Location and Assigned To Filters in Provider Notes Section

A similar enhancement has been made in the ‘My Notes’ section.