What is HP-1 Form?
A HP-1 request form is submitted when a health provider has been unsuccessful in obtaining payment from a carrier for services rendered to a patient who has a ‘Workers’ Compensation’ case.
There are two choices offered through the disputed bills process. The choice depends upon the carrier’s response (or lack of response) to submitted bill(s).
- Request for Arbitration.
- Request for Administrative Award
CureMD has integrated a ‘HP-1 Form’, allowing users to print the form with maximum data auto-populated from CureMD records. The information on HP-1 form is divided into the following sections:
- Doctor’s Progress Report
- Patient’s Information
- Doctor’s Information
- Billing Information
- Examination
- Treatment
User can enter information such as ‘Date of Accident’, ‘Claimant’s Social Security Number’, ‘Claimant’s Social Security Number’ , ‘Provider’s Telephone Number # ‘ ,’WCB Authorization #’ or ‘Provider’s WCB Rating Code’ etc.
Moreover, the fields such as ‘ Date You First Treated Claimant’, ‘WCB Case Number’ , ‘Carrier Case Number’, ‘WCB case number’ including patient demographics are auto-populated on this form.
An input date range field named ‘Date Span for Attached Bill’ has been added under the ‘Request for Administrative Award’ section.
The updated HP-1 can be seen below.

Once the form is completed, user can click ‘Save’ button or ‘Save & Print’ Button.
Clicking ‘Save and Print’ opens up HP-1 Form in Crystal Report.
All of these fields have been mapped on to the printed HP-1 form in a similar manner. However, the radio buttons under the Request for Arbitration section are mapped as checkboxes on the printed form.

For more information regarding the HP-1 form, please click here.