How to Create eSuperbill?

Patient > Provider Notes > Select Provider Note

Follow the above mentioned workflow to land on the provider notes tab.

Open the provider note for which the eSuperbill has to be created, by clicking on the date.

Provider Note

To create an eSuperbill of the provider note, click on the Create eSuperbill button.

Create eSuperbill

On the eSuperbill screen, select the Diagnosis – ICDs by clicking the button or type in the text field.

Diagnosis ICDs

Moreover, user can select the Procedure codes by clicking the button shown below or by entering in the text field.

Procedures – CPTs

E&M (Evaluation and Management) codes are used to determine the level and complexity of care provided to the patient during the visit. To select E&M codes, choose from the drop down and mark the respective checkbox.

E&M Codes

User can add Vaccine Administration Code automatically to the eSuperbill.
For instance, a user administers a vaccine Hep A Hep B and attaches it to the Provider Note.

Hep A Hep B – Provider Note

As the user creates an eSuperbill by clicking on the Create e-Superbill button, the CPT for the Vaccine is automatically attached to the eSuperbill. The Vaccine Administration Codes also get auto-populated. It is recommended that the user does not change these components.

VAC on eSuperbill

Practice user can allow or restrict the settings for the user to sign the eSuperbill. To know how to allow the settings, click here.

In order to configure settings, click here.

If a patient has received COVID – 19 Vaccination, then their eSuperbill is signed automatically.


The eSuperbill created for home administered Covid-19 vaccination includes the CPT code ‘M0201’.

This ensures that the Covid-19 vaccinations are billed correctly.

M0201 Code on eSuperbill

Users have the option to add admission and discharge date on the eSuperbill.

This ensures accurate billing of the services that have been rendered for more than a day.

Select the dates from the ‘Admission Date’ and ‘Discharge Date’ date pickers. Then click ‘Save’.

‘Admission Date’ and ‘Discharge Date’ Date Pickers

System displays an error prompt if the users tries to save eSuperbill by entering only the ‘Discharge Date’ and leaving the ‘Admission Date’ blank.

Error Message

Users also have the option to add an NDC for a procedure code on eSuperbill. This helps billers identify the correct NDC for a procedure.

Add a procedure to the eSuperbill. Then, click on the ‘Rx’ icon in the ‘NDC’ column. The system displays the NDC specifications for the procedure code.

Rx Icon

Click on the ‘NDC’ hyperlink.

‘NDC’ Hyperlink

Search for an NDC in the ‘NDC Search’ pop-up. Then select an NDC from the search results and this NDC is populated in the NDC textbox in ‘NDC Specifications’.

‘NDC Search’ Pop-up

Additionally, users can type an NDC in the textbox and if it is a valid NDC, then the system successfully adds the NDC for the procedure code.

NDC Textbox

Users have the option to use medical decision making calculator on the eSuperbill.

The system automatically recommends an E&M code based on the selected criteria.

The following three factors determine which E&M code is recommended on the eSuperbill:

  • Complexity
  • Data Analyzed
  • Risk

To access the calculator, click the ‘How E&M is calculated?’ hyperlink.

‘How E&M is calculated?’ Hyperlink

On the ‘Recommended E&M Code’ popup, click the ‘Medical Decision Making’ hyperlink.

‘Medical Decision Making’ Hyperlink

Once the user has selected the desired criteria, the system automatically recommends an E&M code.

Recommended ‘Level of Code’

Click ‘Apply’ and the code is added to the eSuperbill.

Furthermore, users can click the ‘MDM Guideline’ hyperlink to view the guidelines shared by American Medical Association (AMA).

E&M Help

Hovering over the ‘How is patient type determined?’ hyperlink displays a tooltip with information on how the patient type is determined.

How is patient type determined?

The system prevents users from creating the eSuperbill with an inactive provider.

This helps users avoid payment rejections.

If a provider note has been created with an inactive provider and the user clicks ‘Create Superbill’ on the provider note, the system displays an error message.

Error Message

The error message mentions the name of the inactive provider for which the eSuperbill cannot be created.

The users can unsign the E-superbill from the application.

This saves the time and cost required for unsigning the e-superbill from back-end.

Click on the ‘Unsign’ button to unsign the e-superbill.

‘Unsign’ Button

However, E-Superbill cannot be unsigned if the charge is already created against the E-Superbill.

Click here to see how to enable settings for Unsigning E-Superbill.

The users can select E&M Category to either Time Based or MDM Based Coding system.

This allows users to keep their preferred coding system as default for current and future patients.

Click here to learn how to enable settings for ‘E&M Calculator’ in Preferences.

The system displays Evaluation and Management (MDM Based Coding-2021) as the preferred coding on e-superbill when ‘MDM Code’ is selected from E & M calculator.

‘Evaluation and Management (MDM Based Coding-2021)’ Code & ‘How E&M is calculated?’ Hyperlink

The system displays recommended E&M Code as ‘MDM’ in a pop-up window when ‘How E&M is calculated?’ hyperlink is clicked.

‘Recommended E&M Code’ Pop-up

Similarly, the system displays Evaluation and Management (Time Based Coding-2021) as the preferred coding on e-superbill when ‘Time based Code’ is selected from E & M calculator.

‘Evaluation and Management (Time Based Coding-2021)’ Code & ‘How E&M is calculated?’ Hyperlink

The system displays recommended E&M Code as ‘Time Based’ in a pop-up window when ‘How E&M is calculated?’ hyperlink is clicked.

E&M Coder

Moreover, if ‘both’ option is selected from the E & M calculator, the system displays Time Based Code as default.

‘Evaluation and Management (Time Based Coding-2021)’ Code & ‘How E&M is calculated?’ Hyperlink

Now, when the user clicks on ‘How E&M is calculated?’ hyperlink, the system displays ‘Medical Decision Making’ as an alternative method in the ‘Recommend E&M Code’ pop-up.

‘Alternative Method’ Field

A similar enhancement has been made in the ‘Patient’ module, click here to see more.

All additional codes are displayed only once in the eSuperbill with their total number mentioned in the quantity.

This ensures that the additional codes are displayed properly without repetition.

Click here to learn how to enable the grouping of the additional codes.

On the eSuperbill screen, the additional codes get populated in the codes column and the total count of additional codes is displayed in the ‘Qty’ column.

Quantity Column

A prompt is displayed when the user selects a CPT code whose effective date is invalid on the service date.

This ensures that the claims do not get rejected.

On the ‘Procedures’ window, all inactive CPT codes are displayed in red text. Clicking on those codes displays a prompt popup stating:

Service date exceeds [CPT Code] effective dates: [Date].’


Similarly, hovering over an inactive code displays a tooltip that states: ‘Service date exceeds [CPT Code] effective dates: [Date].’


If the user manually inputs the inactive CPT code into the ‘Procedures – CPTs’ field, a prompt is displayed with the following message:

Inactive code, Service date exceeds [CPT Code] effective dates: [Dates].’


A similar enhancement has been made in the ‘Charge’ section in the ‘Billing’ node. Click here to view the change.

eSuperbills are integrated with a field displaying ‘Vial Type’. This field is automatically populated based on the NDC vial type (either SDV or MDV) that the practice provider predefines in the procedure settings.

When a user accesses the eSuperBill page and clicks on the “Rx” icon, the specified vial type is displayed to the user, enhancing the detail and accuracy of the eSuperBill.

Vial Type Displayed in eSuperbill

Additionally, when multiple signed eSuperBills exist for the same provider on the same day, and the user merges these eSuperBills to create a charge, the selected vial types for the individual eSuperbills are automatically populated on the charge.

Vial Type Displayed on Charge of Merged Superbills

This occurs when the user navigates to the eSuperBill page, clicks on ‘Create Charge’, and then selects ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ in the merge confirmation.

Opting “Yes” merges all signed eSuperBills, integrating the selected Vial Type into a single charge with the relevant CPT code, whereas choosing “No” keeps each eSuperBill separate.