How to Record Surgical Procedures?

Patient > Clinical > History > Surgical

This section is used to record the surgical procedures performed on a patient.

To add a surgical procedure, users can search a surgical procedure by typing in the search bar. Once a procedure is selected from the search, it is also populated in the most recent search list.

To add a procedure, click on the search result.

Surgical Procedure Search

Surgical Procedure – Most Recent Search List

Surgical Procedure – Selection

All the surgeries can be selected by clicking on () icon in the top-left corner of the search hot list box.

Surgical history can be marked as inactive by check marking the ‘Unremarkable’ check box.

Click the arrow on the right of a search result to expand it.

Surgical History

Here, user can add details of a surgery. 

Surgical History

User can add the following details for a ‘Surgical History’:

Surgical History

Moreover, anesthetic complications and associated reactions can be recorded from this section.

In the ‘Complications’ drop-down, ‘Anesthesia’ checkbox is added. This option is selected by default.

If the user selects ‘Anesthesia’ as a complication, a multi-select drop-down named ‘Reactions’ is displayed. Reactions from the Adverse Reactions page are shown here.

Reactions – Surgical History

In addition, reactions can also be searched from the ‘Reactions’ drop-down.

Reactions – Surgical History

The user can add reactions to a Provider Note. To see that, click here.

Moreover, the surgical complications and reactions also have an impact on the ACOG Report. To view that, please click here.

Similarly, for reference provider user can either enter the provider name manually by typing in the textbox, or they can select from the list by clicking on the “Ref. Provider” hyperlink.

Get Reference Provider

A pop-up is displayed. From here a user can search for a reference provider.

Get Reference Provider

In order to add Complications, user can click on the text field which displays a multi-select drop-down.

Complications- Surgical History

User can add a custom complication if it’s not present in the dropdown. For this, user can enable the checkbox and type in the text field. Hitting the ‘Enter’ key saves the changes.

Complications – Surgical History

User can delete a surgery by clicking on the delete icon next to the expansion icon.

Delete – Surgical History

When done, click ‘Save’.

Save History

The user can also add Reason, Surgery Staff details and the ICD/ CPT Codes for records. The user can click on the + box and Add Surgery in case it’s not available in the application database.