How to Record Past and Current Birth-Control Methods?

Patient > Clinical > History > Social > Sexual

Users can record the current and the past birth-control methods in Social History of both male and female patients.

Follow the workflow above to land on the Sexual history screen.
Here, user can record multiple past and current birth control methods.

Social > Sexual

Use the drop-downs to select multiple birth control methods. Once done, click ‘Save’.

Birth Control Method multi-select drop-down

On the ‘History’ screen, system displays the chosen current and past birth control methods under ‘Social’ heading.


A log is maintained for all changes.

This change is also implemented in the OB/GYN history tab for female patients. When the patient’s birth control methods are updated in the social history section, a prompt is displayed; which asks the user whether to update the patient’s OB/GYN history as well. Similarly, if the patient’s birth control methods are updated in the OB/GYN history, the prompt asks whether to update the social history or not.


In case the ‘Unremarkable’ checkbox is selected from Sexual History or OB/Gyn History, system does not prompt for updates as mentioned above.

Social > Sexual

A dropdown of ‘Reason for No BCM’ is added in the Social History.

Social History

User selects a value from the drop down as a Reason for No BCM.

Social History

Upon saving, the Reason for No BCM is displayed under the Social History Section.

Social History

On selecting a ‘Current BCM’ the ‘Reason for no BCM’ drop down gets disabled. 

This prevents user from recording logically contradictory information in the sexual history tab. Once a current BCM is recorded the option to enter a reason for no BCM becomes unnecessary.

Sexual History

NOTE: The same change has been made in the Social History section in the Patient Portal as well. (Patient Portal > Register Now > Social Hx > Sexual)