How to Schedule an Appointment through the Patient Portal?

Patient Portal > Appointments

Users can request appointments through the patient portal.

Click ‘Appointments’ to enter the ‘Appointments’ module.

Click ‘Request New Appointment’ to open the ‘New Appointment’ page.

Appointment Scheduling

Click ‘Provider/Resource’ dropdown to see list of providers and resources.

Only those providers/resources are displayed in the list which have schedules available for appointment on a specific day.

Select the required and available provider, then click the ‘Search’ button.

Appointment Scheduling – Provider Selection

The ‘Available Appointments’ pop up.

User can click the relevant appointment to schedule.

Appointment Scheduling – Available Appointments

Clicking the appointment button opens up the ‘Comments’ field and ‘Request Appointment’ button.

Users can enter any comments or specific requests if required and click the Request Appointment button.

Appointment Scheduling – Comments & Request.

Clicking ‘Request Appointment’ button opens up the ‘Appointment Confirmation Request’ box.

Appointment Confirmation Request

Click ‘OK’ to confirm appointment, or Cancel to go to the Appointments schedule.

Clicking ‘OK’ displays the Appointment Confirmation box confirming the successful submission of appointment request.

Appointment Confirmation

The user receives an email notification once an appointment request has been approved.

Appointment Request Confirmation Email

Confirmed appointments are also displayed in the left pane menu under ‘Appointments’.

Scheduled Appointments on Patient Portal