CMS146v8 – Appropriate Testing for Children with Pharyngitis
Appropriate Testing for Children with Pharyngitis
Percentage of children 3-18 years of age who were diagnosed with
pharyngitis, ordered an antibiotic and received a group
A streptococcus (strep) test for the episode.
Children 3-18 years of age who had an outpatient or emergency department (ED) visit with a diagnosis of pharyngitis during the measurement period and an antibiotic ordered on or three days after the visit.
Children with a group A streptococcus test in the 7-day period from 3 days prior through 3 days after the diagnosis of pharyngitis.
Children who are taking antibiotics in the 30 days prior to the diagnosis of pharyngitis.
Exclude patients whose hospice care overlaps the measurement period.
Exclude children who had an encounter with a competing diagnosis within three days after the initial diagnosis of pharyngitis
For Denominator:
Children 3-18 years of age who had an outpatient or emergency department (ED) visit with a diagnosis of pharyngitis during the measurement period and an antibiotic ordered on or three days after the visit are included in the denominator. The following must be documented:
Ambulatory/ED Visit (Patient > Provider Note)
Antibiotic Medications for Pharyngitis (Patient > Clinical > Medications)
To document medications, navigate to the medications workflow shown above.
Provider Notes
For Numerator:
Children with a group A streptococcus test in the 7-day period from 3 days prior through 3 days after the diagnosis of pharyngitis are included in the numerator for this measure. Moreover, a lab result is to be added for a patient to be counted in numerator. To record lab results, navigate to Patient > Clinical > Orders and Results > Labs.
Group A Streptococcus Test
Denominator Exclusion:
Children who are taking antibiotics in the 30 days prior to the diagnosis of pharyngitis are included in denominator exclusion. Exclude patients who were in hospice care during the measurement year. To record lab results, navigate to Patient > Clinical > Evaluations.